
A heartfelt Thank You!

I want to take some time to express my appreciation for all of you who have visited here and made this endeavor of mine such a success! In checking the stats for my blog tonight, I was amazed by the sudden realization that my random thoughts and words have now reached 20,ooo views. I know that some of you more successful bloggers out there- those of you who know what you’re doing… this milestone might not seem like all that much. For me, though, this is a huge accomplishment!

First of all, before I go any further, I want to thank Diana Gabaldon for her creation of the Outlander series which has swept me away through the Stones into a whole new life and journey. Long before I discovered her work, I was writing and creating my own little fantasy time travel world here. What Diana’s books, her devotion and allegiance to her fans, and her support of all writers have done for me is this: With her works and her many devoted fans, she has given me the self confidence to share my writing attempts and my creations. Through her support and guidance to aspiring writers, I have learned so much. Most of all, I have learned that it’s okay to write in the style that I do… chunks of seemingly unrelated scenes that eventually come together as long as I don’t forget an important character and leave them stranded somewhere in time? She has put herself out there, made herself and her knowledge available in so many places for us to learn from her even if we can not meet her in person. Because of this sharing of her experiences, I find myself more comfortable sharing my bits and pieces of thoughts and words with others even if they are never quite finished!


I began taking this blogging experience seriously about a year and a half ago.  For me it was a simple little experiment to see if I could do it, and stick with it? I have some major issues with ADD and procrastination which generally result in my not sticking with projects that I start. So, this blog was sort of a test for me… I wanted to push myself, to set some goals and have a way of holding myself accountable for continuing to work on them.  I thought that if I created a page or space where I could put my work, then maybe I would be more successful at continuing my projects.

When I originally started the blog, it was for the purpose of sharing my Sims3 creations and stories all in one place, rather than having them scattered all about in various Sims3 community sites. Honestly, trying to keep up with such a number of communities was consuming more and more of the limited time I had to devote to creating. It became much easier to just have it all in one place.

Many of you who have only recently started following and viewing this site probably wonder at the titles and are most likely not even aware of the original basis for the names. I know many of you assume that this is just an Outlander based blog… well, yes that is what it has become since I fell through the Stones with Diana Gabaldon and the Outlander series early this summer. But, it did begin with an entirely different story based on my own theories of time travel. So, while I do thank each and every one of my fellow Outlander time travelers for making this site the success that it is, I also feel that I need to thank the earliest followers of my work. The Sims3 communities and members that have stuck by me since the ragged and rambling beginnings. Those simmers who appreciated and valued my creativeness, who inspired and encouraged me to continue with it, who still come here in search of Sims related content and information, only to find an endless sea now of Outlander! To all of you simming friends, I give you my endless gratitude and the promise that I have not completely given up on the simming or the stories! I am hoping to return to some it in the next few weeks. I do miss my own story telling and the creative process that the Sims provides.  In my most recent ventures back into the simming, some of the characters from my long running soap opera type story even made their own connection to those more famous members of the Outlander Series…

For those unfamiliar with my sims related projects and stories, you can find more information in some of the separate pages devoted to them, or if you have an enormous amount of time and need something to fill up your days waiting for more Outlander… You could always go back to my archives and start the story from it’s earliest beginnings with Lady Eleanor DeGuille and Royals Castle?  Wow, that brought back memories for me! Poor Eleanor is still trapped between the walls of one Haunts Castle waiting for someone, anyone, to come rescue her!  Our story was moving along at a fairly good pace until we were side tracked by a few other  things… Dunvegan Castle, the Viking history of one Eric North, and Outlander!

Lady Eleanor DeGuille through time and history, from a lonely child pawn of Royals to an uncertain romance, timeless friendship to a Mother's spirit within her guiding her journey and her destiny.

Lady Eleanor DeGuille through time and history, from a lonely child pawn of Royals to an uncertain romance, timeless friendship to a Mother’s spirit within her guiding her journey and her destiny.


As I mentioned, one of the other projects that side tracked us in the story was Eric North’s decision to go home to Dunvegan Castle on the Isle of Skye. He is one of those characters that ends up having a mind of his own and insisted on telling his story! Eric’s appearance in the story began in the present day when he met Judith Self. He began with some minor small appearances in the storyline but for some reason, his character took on a larger than planned role. He emerged as a central character for much of the early medieval portion of the story where he appeared with Arthur and Guinivere in their ill fated story… He was a friend and fellow knight of Arthur’s and Adrian DeWare’s, and somehow his story took on a life of it’s own!

Eric’s appearance in the Arthur and Guinivere portion of the story



Eric and Brenny into the woods Eric North poster

Eric begins his story of his ancient Viking history and it’s connection to Dunvegan Castle

Eric and friends10 Eric holds Reina

You can read about the Dunvegan Castle project starting here:

dunvegan castle

My interpretation of Dunvegan Castle

overview of front with windows, towers and turrets Screenshot-11 Screenshot-9


I did mention that during the work on Dunvegan Castle and our characters’ involvement in that place, there was recently a reference and connection made to Outlander. Right now as the story stands, Eric and Brenny are remembering their time spent at Dunvegan during the 1700s when much work was done on improving the conditions of the Castle. When last we saw them, they were having a serious discussion about an odd invitation they had received from the Clan MacKenzie?

Eric and Svein in the stable Rory's parsel of correspondance Wedding Invitation The women have their own discussion


Now, I hope this clears up some of the confusion or wondering about the origins and beginnings of this blog. I hope that you take some time to explore the other portions of it that I have devoted so much time and love to over the last year. I will soon get back to my own stories and characters because they are the reason I am here in the first place! They have a place in my heart forever and I am deeply devoted and attached to all of them. Even though my story winds and bends through space and time… much like my mind most of the time, I do still want to continue the journey for them and not leave trapped in the mists of time! I write in fits and starts, chunks of seemingly unrelated pieces but, as Diana Gabaldon has mentioned about the individual writing process, that is entirely Okay as long as I remember where I left each of them and don’t leave one of them trapped for years? If it’s alright for little Jemmy to be stuck in a cave for years, for Jamie Fraser to be waiting on a window sill for many months… then I guess Eleanor DeGuille should not be complaining about being trapped in the walls of Haunts Castle for a few more months!

leaving Jamie ing the window Jack wins the hand with a rope in the drawer Dragon Fly in Amber 11_dragonfly_in_amber_00001


Don’t worry Eleanor and Judith, Eric will eventually come to your rescue!

Judith and Eleanor in the hall





Scotland’s vote for independance

Scotland vote

The country of Scotland goes to the polls today to vote on the future of their country. It will be one of the most  difficult decisions that any of them will ever make. My thoughts and prayers are with all of them on this day that will forever change the course, the path of their nation and their citizens. No matter what they decide, the key factor and most important thing to remember in all of it is that they are voting on this as a nation. It is not a war, a fight to the finish, to the Conquerers go the spoils or the land?  What ever the outcome, Scotland will remain a country, a nation rich in history and heritage, and with an ongoing future!  I firmly believe that what ever they decide, they will work through the outcome  together as a strong, united country. They have made the choice as a nation to take this debate and this decision directly to where it belongs, the people of Scotland.


As I write this, the polls are opening and the people of Scotland are going to make their decision. It is an extremely close, near to even race to this point. The people of Scotland are equally divided on this issue and no one can clearly predict what the outcome will be. What ever you believe is right as a Scottish citizen, it is imperative for you to exercise your right to cast a vote in this matter. There are so many Scottish ex-pats who would give anything to have a voice and a say on this critical issue that will decide the future of Scotland, please remember that and do not waste your one opportunity to make a difference. Remember too, that if you choose not to vote on the decision then you really have no right to complain about the outcome!


I am not from Scotland, not even of Scots descent- so far as I can tell from my in depth genealogy research.  I am just one who is passionate about the history and the heritage of your Country and your people from it’s earliest beginnings through all of it’s struggles and fights for survival and autonomy as a Nation. You will find throughout this blog, much about the ancient history of Scotland and the various peoples who made their way there to build a country despite great odds and adversity. Over the many centuries, they fought amongst themselves as well as against those who would over take them. In much of  history, they have come together in spite of their differences when they needed to in order to keep their country as a separate identifiable nation.  Even in the worst instances and losses, they did not give up or lose their identity as a unified Nation. They have been Scotland the Brave, the Strong, and the Proud for well over a thousand years and this decision on their part will not change that. They will remain, hopefully forever more Scotland the Great!


From a personal perspective and observation on this, I feel torn between both sides and their equally compelling arguments. I really can not say which side I would stand on in all of it? As I’ve said, this is such a difficult decision to have to make  and I am certain that every Scots citizen going to the polls today has spent much time weighing all of  the information, trying to come to terms with the ramifications for themselves personally and their country as a whole. My only reference point for this gut wrenching decision is the thought of one of our own states coming to the decision to withdraw from the union? And, as I think about that, I am not even sure that would be a close approximation or representation? I just don’t know!  I only know right now that my thoughts are with all of Scotland on this historic and eventful day. May you come through it standing strong and united, no matter what you all decide!

Scotland yes or no


History of Scotland:


Timeline of Scottish history: